The first end of summer festival for club members and their families was held on a Sunday afternoon at the start of October 2016 in the brilliant Autumn sunshine. The venue was Bramley cricket club, the cricket green was in full glory, the sky blue, the field lush green and the sun, low and golden.
Tables were set outside in this fantastic scene and the bar-b-que lit. First up was the members time trial over a great course with something for everyone, if everyone likes riding up the 15% of Alldens Hill, that is. Some competitive times were set early on and the trophy's destination for the next 12 months was far from certain. That was until Matt Smart was talked into making a late entry, complete with a temporary timing computer. Matt was the last to ride and smashed the rest of the field to take the glory and the historic trophy.
Kids races were contested around the outfield perimeter with a wide range of ages racing. Winners of the age group races were George Wynn, James Price and Ted Abbott.
After the races, burgers and hotdogs were demolished and the Fiasco wine cellar tucked into.
More than 40 people attended and the event was a huge success. Bramley cricket club hosted the first recorded Womens cricket match in 1745, perhaps in future years a second blue plaque will be on the pavilion boasting that the first Fiascofest was also being held on the site.
Thanks go to everyone that helped out with the event, all club members made the organising very easy and were very willing helpers.
Also a big thanks to Bramley cricket club for the hire of the venue which fit the bill very well. Some decisions for next year - increase the size of the event? Live Music? Fill Matt's tyres with water?
Bring on FiascoFest 2017. Photo's to follow....